Sungazing Basics: How do you sun gaze properly

Sungazing is an ancient, spiritual practice that has increasingly gained popularity in recent years. It is the practice of looking directly at the sun for brief periods of time as a form of meditation and healing. This article will explore the basics of this practice; how to properly look at the sun in order to reap its benefits. You need to know those Sungazing basics at first, Practicing this process in a long run would make you an expert!

As far as my knowledge the key to successful gazing at the sun is to start small – only gaze at the sun for 10 seconds – and then gradually increase the amount of time spent gazing.


In case you want to know about sungazing benefits, this video would be valuable for you!

What actually is Sungazing?

This process is an ancient practice that involves looking directly at the sun, usually as it rises or sets, with a specific intention in mind. It has gained popularity in recent years due to its alleged health benefits, including improved vision, reduced stress, balanced body systems, boosted immunity, and even stimulated psychic abilities.

While there is no scientific evidence yet to support these claims, many people swear by this form of natural healing therapy. When done properly, This ancient process can be a peaceful experience filled with profound insights about life and one’s own self-awareness.

To learn how to sun gaze you can check out Youtube for sungazing how to videos or you can find instructions on various websites or join a community sungazing on Facebook group. It’s important to be careful when sun-gazing, as staring at the sun can be harmful to your eyes.

To protect yourself, make sure to only gaze at the sun during sunrise or sunset when the ultraviolet (UV) rays are less intense, and wear sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage.

Step 1: Choose the Right Time

When it comes to practicing sun gazing properly, the first step is choosing the right time to do it. Sun exposure is a powerful tool and should never be done during peak hours of sunlight when UV rays are at their highest. Therefore, the best time to start sun gazing is within an hour and a half of either sunrise or sunset, when the sunlight is still bright but not as intense.

It’s important to note that even during these times of day, sun protective measures should still be taken such as wearing sunglasses and avoiding direct eye contact with the sun. In addition, those who have sensitive skin or other medical conditions should take extra precautions and consult with their doctor before attempting any form of sun gazing.

Taking these simple steps will ensure you’re practicing safe sun gazing for maximum benefit during your practice sessions.

Step 2: Find the Right Location


The second step in learning how to practice sun gazing properly is to find the right location. To get the most out of your “sun-gazing” experience, it’s important to pick a spot that has an unobstructed view of the horizon and that allows you to be comfortable while looking up at the sky. It should also be far away from any artificial light sources like street lamps or floodlights in order to maximize exposure to natural sunlight.

The time of day you choose is also important when trying to optimize your effects during this practice which is of course discussed in the above paragraph; ideally, one would practice this activity during sunrise or sunset when the intensity of sunlight is lower than usual and there are fewer direct UV rays present.

Tips for finding the right location while sungazing :

  • Know Your Climate
  • Look for Dark Skies
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings
  • Find a Location with Minimal Light Pollution

Step 3: Prepare for Sungazing

This is a spiritual practice that involves looking directly into the sun. It is believed to have many benefits, including increased melatonin production and improved vision. However, like any activity, This practice must be done with caution and proper preparation in order to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness. Step 3 of this process is all about getting yourself ready for your gazing experience.

Before you begin this practice, it is important to assess your own comfort level with the activity. Though it may feel strange or uncomfortable at first, you should never force yourself to look into the sun if you are not comfortable doing so. You can also try wearing sunglasses or using a pinhole projector as a way to ease into sun-gazing without looking directly at the sun’s rays.

Step 4: Begin Sungazing

sungazing basics

The fourth step to begin sun-gazing is to find an appropriate time during the day when the sun’s rays are most beneficial and least intense. Begin during the hour before sunset when the sun’s rays are not as intense. Start by gazing at the sun for a few seconds, then look away and rest your eyes for a minute or two. Early morning or an hour before sunset is the most preferred time.

Early morning or late afternoon hours tend to be best for solar gazing because the UV radiation from the sun is not as intense then as it is midday. Exposing your eyes to direct sunlight for too long can cause damage so it is important to limit exposure time accordingly. However, with regular practice, you may find that you can safely increase your exposure time with minimal risk of harm from UV radiation or retinal burns.

Step 5: Follow Up After the Session

When it comes to sun gazing, Step 5 is all about following up. After spending the recommended period of time for you to look at the sun directly, be sure to take care of yourself and your eyes properly. Following this fifth step will ensure you reap all the possible benefits of this ancient practice without any potential harm.

Exposure to sunlight can have numerous positive effects on the body, including the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and feelings of well-being.

It’s important to wash your eyes with clean water immediately after gazing at the sun. Doing so helps avoid any potential eye irritation that can result from dirt or other particles getting into your eyes while sun gazing. Additionally, many people find that eating a nutritious snack or meal soon afterward helps them feel their best after taking part in this activity.

Lastly, for those who are new to sun-gazing, it’s a good idea to keep track of how you’re feeling before and after each session by journaling or meditating on these feelings each day. This can help you understand the impact of sun gazing on your body and mind and determine whether it’s a practice that works for you.


In summary, if you are looking for an activity that will fill your days with adventure, relaxation, and enlightenment, then sun gazing is the perfect fit. You can start small by just finding a safe place to sun gaze and setting a timer for 5-10 minutes each day. With the right attitude and patience, you’ll be able to experience all the benefits of sun gazing in no time. Be sure to break it up into manageable chunks so you don’t overdo it and cause any harm.

Thanks for reading this article, I will come up with more sungazing tips, Stay tuned! Cheers

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