How to make relaxing lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils? – Master the art of making DIY Lavender bath bombs and epsom salt bath bombs

If you’re looking for a way to unwind after a long day, look no further than a relaxing soak in the tub with a lavender and epsom salt bath bomb. These delightful bath bombs not only add a touch of luxury to your bathing routine, but they also offer numerous benefits for your mind and body.

The combination of lavender and epsom salt is a powerful duo when it comes to relaxation. Lavender has long been known for its soothing and calming properties, while epsom salt can help relax muscles and reduce stress. When combined with the aromatic blend of essential oils, these bath bombs create a truly serene experience.

In this article, I’ll show you how to make your own lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils. You’ll discover the joy of crafting your own self-care products and enjoy the incredible relaxation they bring. So, let’s get started on this delightful DIY project that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

How to make relaxing lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils?

Key Takeaways:

  • Lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils offer a relaxing and immersive bath experience.
  • Lavender is known for its soothing and calming properties, while epsom salt helps relax muscles and reduce stress.
  • By making your own bath bombs, you can customize the scents and ingredients to suit your preferences.
  • Creating your own bath bombs is a fun and rewarding DIY project, providing a moment of self-care.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a luxurious bath filled with the enchanting aroma of lavender and the rejuvenating properties of epsom salt.

Gather the necessary ingredients and tools

Before you start making your lavender and epsom salt bath bombs, make sure you have all the ingredients and tools. You will need the following:

These ingredients will come together to create the perfect bath bomb mixture. Having the right tools and ingredients is essential for a successful bath bomb-making experience.

Prepare the dry mixture to make lavender bath bombs and episome salt bath bombs

Now, let’s prepare the dry mixture for your lavender and epsom salt bath bombs. Combine the citric acid, baking soda, epsom salt, dried lavender, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil in a bowl. Use a whisk to thoroughly mix the dry ingredients. Adding a small amount of melted coconut oil will help the mixture hold its shape and create a fizzing effect when added to the bath water.

How to make relaxing lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils?

To ensure that the dry ingredients stick together and create the perfect bath bomb, the addition of melted coconut oil is essential. The coconut oil acts as a binding agent, allowing the ingredients to stick together and maintain their shape. As the bath bomb dissolves in the water, the coconut oil also releases a subtle moisturizing effect, leaving your skin feeling soft and hydrated.

As you whisk the dry mixture, make sure to break up any clumps and distribute the coconut oil evenly throughout. This will ensure that all of the ingredients are properly blended, resulting in a smooth and cohesive mixture.

I find that the scent of coconut oil adds an extra touch of tranquility to my bath time ritual. The natural fragrance combined with the soothing properties of lavender and epsom salt creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere.

Once the dry mixture is well combined, it’s now ready to be shaped into delightful bath bombs. In the next section, we’ll explore the process of shaping and assembling the bath bombs to create a truly luxurious bathing experience.

Shape and assemble the homemade bath bombs

Now that you have prepared your relaxing lavender and epsom salt bath bomb mixture, it’s time to shape and assemble them. Follow the steps below:

  1. Fill half of the bath bomb mold with the dry mixture. Make sure to pack the mixture tightly if you’re using a stainless steel bath bomb mold. If you’re using a plastic mold, you can leave it loosely packed for a more fizzing effect.
  2. If you want to add a pop of color to your bath bombs, now is the time to do it. Sprinkle some dried lavender petals or lavender-colored mica powder into the mold.
  3. Add a few drops of polysorbate 80 to the mixture. This emulsifier will help the essential oils disperse evenly in the bath water, preventing them from sticking to the sides of the tub.
  4. Fill the other half of the mold with more of the dry mixture. Press the two halves together firmly to create a compact and uniform bath bomb.
  5. Let the bath bomb sit in the mold for a few minutes to set. During this time, the mixture will continue to harden and hold its shape.
  6. Carefully remove the bath bomb from the mold. Gently tap the mold on a flat surface, or use a spoon to loosen the edges of the bath bomb if needed.

And voila! Your DIY lavender bath bombs are ready to use. Repeat the process with the remaining mixture until you have made all the bath bombs you desire. Now you can indulge in a luxurious and relaxing bath experience.

How to make relaxing lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils?


Making your own relaxing lavender and epsom salt bath bombs with essential oils is a fun and rewarding DIY project. By following these simple steps, you can create bath bombs that will not only help you relax but also provide a calming and soothing experience. Enjoy the benefits of a luxurious bath filled with the enchanting aroma of lavender and the rejuvenating properties of epsom salt. Treat yourself to a tranquil moment of self-care with these homemade bath bombs.

Creating your own bath bombs allows you to customize the fragrance and ingredients to your preferences, ensuring a personalized experience every time you take a bath. The combination of lavender and epsom salt offers numerous benefits, from easing muscle tension to promoting a peaceful night’s sleep. With the addition of essential oils, you can further enhance the therapeutic properties of your bath bombs.

Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day or simply indulge in a little self-care, lavender and epsom salt bath bombs are the perfect solution. Not only are they easy to make, but they also make wonderful gifts for friends and loved ones. So go ahead, gather your ingredients, and get ready to transform your bath time into a blissful oasis of relaxation and serenity.


Can I substitute lavender essential oil with a different fragrance oil?

Yes, you can substitute lavender essential oil with any other fragrance oil of your preference. Just make sure to adjust the amount accordingly, as some fragrance oils may have a stronger scent than others.

How long do these lavender and epsom salt bath bombs last?

When stored in an airtight container, these bath bombs can last up to 6 months. However, for optimal fizz and fragrance, it’s best to use them within 2-3 months.

Can I use fresh lavender instead of dried lavender?

Fresh lavender contains moisture and can cause the bath bomb mixture to activate prematurely. It’s best to use dried lavender as it ensures the longevity and stability of the bath bombs.

Can I add coloring to my lavender and epsom salt bath bombs?

Yes, you can add a few drops of skin-safe coloring to enhance the visual appeal of your bath bombs. Just be cautious not to exceed the recommended amount, as overly pigmented bath bombs may leave residue in the tub.

How many bath bombs does this recipe make?

The quantity of bath bombs produced depends on the size of the mold used. This recipe generally yields around 4-6 bath bombs, depending on the size of the mold and the amount of mixture used for each bomb.

Can I substitute witch hazel for coconut oil as a binding agent in the bath bomb mixture?

Yes, you can substitute witch hazel for coconut oil. Witch hazel acts as an excellent alternative binding agent, aiding in the cohesion of the ingredients and ensuring the bath bombs hold their shape.

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