How to Make Golden Turmeric and Honey Face Masks for Glowing Skin?

How to Make Golden Turmeric and Honey Face Masks for Glowing Skin?

Key Takeaways

  • Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits for skin health.
  • Honey is a natural humectant that helps skin retain moisture for a glowing, youthful complexion.
  • Yogurt contains lactic acid to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and reveal brighter skin.
  • Lemon juice helps lighten hyperpigmentation and acne scars thanks to vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids.
  • Apple cider vinegar balances skin pH levels and controls excess oil production to prevent acne.

Glowing, radiant skin signifies health and youth. However, factors like sun exposure, pollution, stress, poor diet, and insufficient skincare can cause dull, uneven, problematic skin.

Fortunately, there’s an ancient Indian kitchen ingredient that works wonders – turmeric. Loaded with skin-friendly vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like curcumin, turmeric heals inflammation, fades scars, evens skin tone, and lends a natural glow when applied topically.

When combined with other skin-loving ingredients like honey, yogurt, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar, turmeric transforms into a potent golden elixir to revive tired, lackluster skin.

These DIY turmeric and honey face masks are very easy to make at home using simple kitchen ingredients. They suit all skin types, including dry, oily, combination, mature, and acne-prone skin.

Regular usage helps control acne breakouts, minimize pores, fade dark spots and acne scars, exfoliate dead skin cells, even out skin tone, and impart a healthy golden glow.

Benefits of Turmeric and Honey for Skin

Before diving into the recipes, let’s understand why turmeric and honey make such a dream team for gorgeous, glowing skin:

Turmeric Benefits

Turmeric has been used since ancient times in Indian and Chinese medicine to cure various ailments. Modern research confirms that turmeric indeed contains healing and health-promoting properties:

  • Curcumin – This antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemical is the most researched active ingredient in turmeric. It protects skin cells against free radical damage.
  • Antiseptic – Turmeric keeps away bacteria and other microbes that cause acne and skin infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory – Curcumin in turmeric soothes irritated skin caused by acne, eczema, sun damage or allergic reactions.
  • Blood purifier – It removes toxins from the blood to reveal clear, glowing skin.

Applying turmeric-based face masks provides these benefits for skin:

  • Fades scars, spots, hyperpigmentation
  • Evens out skin tone
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimizes enlarged pores
  • Controls acne and pimples
  • Soothes skin inflammation
  • Brightens dull complexion
  • Lends a natural glow

“There’s nothing more powerful than someone who realizes their own beauty, value, and worth.” – Anonymous

Honey Benefits

This sweet, sticky golden liquid made by honey bees has outstanding skin-enhancing abilities.

  • Humectant – Honey attracts and seals in moisture in skin cells to keep them plump and youthful.
  • Antioxidants – It contains phenolic compounds that neutralize skin damage caused by UV exposure and pollution.
  • Antibacterial – The enzyme glucose oxidase in raw honey inhibits bacteria that cause acne and skin infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory – Honey soothes sensitive, irritated skin prone to conditions like eczema.
  • Exfoliant – It contains gluconic acid that gently removes dead skin cells and impurities.

When combined with turmeric, honey makes an ideal natural remedy to achieve flawless, glowing skin.

Now that you know why turmeric and honey work incredibly well together, let’s look at easy DIY masks you can make at home to revive dull, tired skin.

How to Make Golden Turmeric and Honey Face Masks for Glowing Skin?

Turmeric and Honey Face Mask Recipes

Follow these simple golden face mask recipes 2-3 times a week to notice a visible improvement in your skin texture, tone, and radiance:

1. Basic Turmeric and Honey Mask

The simplest way to leverage the synergistic effect of turmeric and honey is to mix the two ingredients in equal proportions.



  1. Combine turmeric powder and raw honey in a small bowl. Mix thoroughly to form a smooth, spreadable paste.
  2. Do a patch test before applying the mask on your face.
  3. Spread an even layer all over your face and neck avoiding the eye area.
  4. Allow it to work its magic for 20 minutes. Turmeric can temporarily stain skin, so apply over a sink.
  5. Rinse with lukewarm water. Pat dry and follow up with a light moisturizer.

This quick mask works well for all skin types to control acne, cleanse clogged pores, even out skin tone, and add glow.

2. Turmeric and Honey Mask for Dry Skin

If you have very dry, dehydrated skin, the addition of oils like almond, olive or coconut makes the mask more moisturizing. The creamy yogurt also injects a dose of skin-loving probiotics.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin coconut oil (almond/olive oil works too)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh yogurt


  1. In a small bowl, mix together all ingredients to form a smooth paste.
  2. Apply evenly on clean face and neck.
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off with water.
  4. Follow up with a hydrating face cream.

The anti-inflammatory turmeric and antimicrobial honey will improve skin health while the emollient oils and yogurt deeply nourish dry skin.

3. Turmeric and Honey Mask to Fade Acne Marks

For those struggling with acne scars and dark spots, the addition of skin-brightening lemon juice to the DIY turmeric mask helps lighten pigmentation.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Apply evenly on clean face.
  2. Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes before washing off with water.
  3. Use this treatment 2-3 times a week to see visible reduction in acne marks and discoloration.

Thanks to curcumin in turmeric and vitamin C in lemons, this mask combats inflammation, kills acne bacteria, exfoliates skin cells, and inhibits melanin production.

4. Turmeric and Honey Mask to Minimize Pores

Enlarged pores allow dirt, oil and bacteria to enter and cause blackheads, whiteheads and skin breakouts. This apple cider vinegar mask tightens pores, balances pH levels, and prevents acne.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar


  1. Mix the ingredients together and apply evenly on cleansed face.
  2. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
  3. Pat dry and follow up with oil-free moisturizer.

The antiseptic turmeric, antibacterial honey, and antimicrobial apple cider vinegar make a potent combination to cleanse pore-clogging impurities, regulate oil secretion and prevent recurrent acne.

How Often Should You Use Turmeric Masks?

Using turmeric face masks 2 to 3 times a week is ideal to reap skin-enhancing benefits while avoiding any irritation.

Always do a patch test before trying a turmeric face mask for the first time. Turmeric can temporarily stain skin yellow. The color fades after a few hours. Wear an old shirt to avoid ruining your clothes.

Turmeric suits all skin types, from oily and acne-prone to mature and sensitive skin. But those with very dry skin may find regular usage slightly drying. Adjust accordingly by using more nourishing ingredients like yogurt or oils.

How to Make Golden Turmeric and Honey Face Masks for Glowing Skin?

Precautions for Using Turmeric on Face

While turmeric is very safe to use topically, here are a few precautions:

  • Conduct a patch test to rule out any allergic reactions.
  • Avoid contact with eyes as turmeric can cause irritation.
  • Rinse immediately if the mask feels too drying or uncomfortable on your skin.
  • Temporary yellow staining is normal. Use an old towel while washing face.
  • Store homemade masks in the refrigerator for upto a week.

Now that you know how to harness the power of turmeric for clear and glowing skin, try these easy DIY golden honey face masks today! Do leave a comment about which one worked best for your skin type.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I leave a turmeric face mask overnight?

A: It’s best to leave a turmeric face mask for 15 to 20 minutes. Leaving it overnight can cause skin irritation due to its drying effect.

Q: How long does it take to see results from using turmeric on face?

A: With regular usage, twice or thrice a week, you can expect to see an improvement in skin texture, tone, and clarity within a few weeks. Fading of scars and hyperpigmentation takes 2-3 months.

Q: Will turmeric lighten skin/act as a natural bleach?

A: Yes, turmeric can help lighten skin, even out tone, and reduce pigmentation and tan when used over time. But don’t expect dramatic skin whitening overnight. It works gradually with sustained usage.

Q: Can I use turmeric on my face daily?

A: Using turmeric masks daily may be too drying for the skin. Limit usage to 2-3 times a week for best results. Those with very dry or sensitive skin can use it once a week.

Q: Can I use warm milk instead of water to rinse off the face masks?

A: Yes, you can use warm milk to rinse the face masks. Milk contains lactic acid which helps gently exfoliate dead skin cells. The fat and proteins in milk are also great for moisturizing the skin. Just make sure the milk is not too hot to prevent scalding your face.

Q: Can I use these new turmeric honey masks if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, these masks are gentle enough even for sensitive skin. However, always do a patch test first. Turmeric can stain skin temporarily so use an old towel. Start slow with once a week and monitor for any reaction. Be extra careful around the delicate eye area and stop use if you notice any irritation.

Q: Do you have any other recipes that use turmeric for hair care?

Yes! Turmeric is fantastic for promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. I like to mix turmeric powder, coconut oil, honey and egg yolk into a paste. Apply on scalp, leave for 30 minutes and shampoo out. This helps strengthen hair follicles.


There you have it – my top four recipes for making skin-enhancing golden face masks with turmeric and honey at home along with usage tips and precautions. Both these natural ingredients pack a solid punch of antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents that revive lackluster complexions.

Be patient and use them diligently to notice a visible improvement in your skin tone, texture, acne, scars, fine lines, enlarged pores and dark circles! Your skin will thank you with a healthy, natural glow.

So which turmeric and honey mask are you most excited to try first? Let me know in the comments!

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