How do you use turmeric body scrub for skin whitening?

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How do you use turmeric body scrub for skin whitening?


Greetings, friends! I’m Ashokkumar, passionate owner of the health and wellness site Medi Temple. Today I want to explore an ancient Ayurvedic ritual for achieving luminous, youthful skin: the mighty turmeric body scrub!

Turmeric has been used for centuries in India as both a culinary spice and therapeutic remedy. The active compound curcumin gives this vibrant yellow powder its distinctive color and array of health benefits. I’m excited to share how you can harness the power of turmeric to reveal brighter, softer, more even-toned skin.

What Is Turmeric Body Scrub?

A body scrub is a skincare product used to exfoliate dead skin cells through gentle abrasion, leaving fresh new skin exposed. Traditional body scrubs use ingredients like salt, sugar, coffee, oats, seeds, etc. to provide this mild physical exfoliation.

Turmeric body scrub combines the exfoliating action of a scrub with the intense skin-enhancing benefits of turmeric. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin in turmeric powder help tackle skin concerns like acnedark spotshyperpigmentationuneven skin tone, etc.

So a turmeric body scrub works double duty – physically sloughing off dead cells through exfoliation while also using turmeric to intensively nourish new skin underneath.

Benefits of Using Turmeric Body Scrub

Using a turmeric-infused body scrub 1-2 times per week provides a wide array of skin benefits:

  • Exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving skin feeling super soft and smooth
  • Helps fade dark spots and reduce hyperpigmentation over time
  • Evens out skin tone for a brighter, more uniform complexion
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties to help calm conditions like acne
  • Loaded with antioxidants to fight skin damage from pollution/UV rays
  • Leaves skin looking radiant, healthy and positively glowing!

Those with normal or dry skin will likely see great results from regular use of a turmeric scrub. Those with sensitive skin should patch test first before wider application.

How do you use turmeric body scrub for skin whitening?

How To Make Turmeric Body Scrub At Home

One of the best parts about turmeric body scrub is that it’s easy and affordable to make at home! Here is my go-to recipe:


  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1⁄2 cup coconut oil
  • 1⁄4 cup almond oil or olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons turmeric powder
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil (optional)


  1. Add the sugar and oils to a bowl, mixing thoroughly with a spoon.
  2. Stir in turmeric powder until well-combined.
  3. Add lemon essential oil for scent and extra skin benefits.
  4. Transfer scrub to an airtight jar and store up to 2 months.
IngredientSkin Benefits
SugarNatural exfoliant to slough off dead skin
Coconut oilDeeply moisturizing
Almond/olive oilSoftens and nourishes skin
TurmericReduces dark spots & inflammation
Lemon oilBrightens dull skin

“One of my favorite DIY skincare recipes is this luxurious turmeric sugar scrub. With soothing coconut oil, skin-brightening turmeric, and refreshing lemon essential oil, it leaves your skin feeling incredibly soft and renewed.”

How To Use Turmeric Body Scrub

Using your homemade or store-bought turmeric scrub is blissfully simple:

  1. Wet skin in shower or bath, allowing pores to open up.
  2. Scoop a generous amount of turmeric scrub into hands.
  3. Gently massage scrub over body in circular motions, focusing on rougher spots like knees, elbows, heels.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of turmeric.
  5. Follow up with a nourishing body lotion or butter.

For best results, use your turmeric scrub 1-2 times per week. Be sure to patch test before wider application if you have sensitive or reactive skin.

Avoid contact with eyes as turmeric can temporarily stain skin and surfaces yellow. Rinsing thoroughly prevents any lingering discoloration.

Additional Tips For Using Turmeric

Beyond turmeric body scrubs, there are other easy ways to incorporate the clarifying powers of turmeric into your skincare routine:

  • Make a turmeric face mask by combining with yogurt or honey. Leave on skin 5-10 minutes before rinsing.
  • Mix turmeric with milk or water to create a gentle turmeric cleanser.
  • Add a teaspoon of turmeric to your regular body lotion or moisturizer.
  • Drink golden milk made with turmeric, ginger, black pepper and nut milk for an antioxidant boost from within!

Turmeric Scrub Products To Try

If making DIY skincare isn’t your thing, check out these exceptional ready-made turmeric body scrubs:

These pre-made scrubs harness skin-enhancing turmeric along with lush oils, butters, and fragrances – all the work is done for you!

The Takeaway

Friends, I hope this has inspired you to incorporate turmeric body scrub into your regular skincare routine! Turmeric is truly a magical golden ingredient – it offers an easy, natural way to reveal luminous, healthy, even-toned skin.

For more of my favorite tips and products for natural wellness and beauty, be sure to explore Medi Temple further! Our mission is guiding you to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

Wishing you wonderful health,


What is turmeric body scrub?

Turmeric body scrub is an exfoliating skin care product made with turmeric powder. It combines gentle physical exfoliation from ingredients like sugar or salt with the brightening and anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric.

What are the benefits of using a turmeric body scrub?

Benefits include exfoliating away dead skin cells, fading dark spots and acne scars, evening out skin tone, reducing inflammation, and revealing brighter, smoother, and more radiant skin.

Can turmeric body scrub whiten your skin?

Yes, regular use of turmeric body scrub can help whiten skin over time. The curcumin in turmeric works to reduce hyperpigmentation and restrict production of melanin, which causes skin darkening.

How often should you use a turmeric scrub?

For best results, use a turmeric body scrub 1 or 2 times per week. Be careful not to over-exfoliate delicate facial skin.

Should you use a turmeric body scrub on your face?

Turmeric scrub can be used on the face 2-3 times per month. But those with sensitive skin should be cautious and first test on a small area to check for irritation or reactions.

Can I leave turmeric body scrub on overnight?

No, turmeric scrub should be rinsed off after massaging onto skin for 5-10 minutes. Leaving scrub residues on skin overnight could cause irritation and staining.

Does turmeric stain skin?

Turmeric can temporarily stain skin yellow or orange. But thoroughly rinsing skin after using turmeric scrub prevents staining. Avoid contact with hair, nails, clothing.

Can I use turmeric if I have sensitive skin?

Those with sensitive skin should patch test turmeric scrub first. Turmeric may cause irritation, redness, or an allergic reaction for some. Introduce gradually.

What oils should I use to make turmeric scrub?

Some skin-friendly carrier oils to use are coconut, olive, almond, avocado, grapeseed, or jojoba oil. Combine with sugar or salt. Omit if allergic to nuts.

Where can I buy turmeric body scrub?

Many natural skincare brands offer pre-made turmeric body scrubs, like Roses Natural, Best Life Organics, Purlisse, The Melanated Bar, and Anne’s Apothecary. Or DIY your own.

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